Nevada Site
Known today as the Nevada National Security Site, the Nevada Test Site is one of the most well-known sites related to nuclear weapons in the world. First named the Nevada Proving Ground, this site was established right after the end of World War II to test nuclear weapons. Many famous photographs and videos show the mushroom clouds climbing into the sky from the Nevada Test Site as weapons were tested. In fact, the frequent mushroom clouds were a tourist attractions for those visiting Las Vegas. In the years that followed, particularly the 1950s through the 1980s, cancer rates went up noticeably in populations where winds carried the fallout.
EEOICPA/RECA benefits have been given to numerous workers employed in and around the Nevada Test Site, as well as those who lived downwind from the blasts. If you or a loved one have illnesses or diseases related to work or residency at or around the Nevada Test Site, you may be eligible for benefits. Please contact us at Twilight Health to learn more about your potential benefits, or for information on how to get free health care with your benefits.
Benefits Paid to Nevada Test Site Workers
Unlike many nuclear facilities, the Nevada Test Site affected far more than those who worked at the facility due to its testing of weapons above ground. The amount of compensation and benefits paid out to workers and others involved has been substantial. The most recent figures shows that EEOICPA payments thus far have been:
- Part B Compensation: $419,807,738
- Part E Compensation (Includes Survivor, Lump Sum, Wage Loss & Impairment): $291,427,822
- Medical Benefits: $166,632,566
If you worked at the Nevada Test Site, or lived in areas that were downwind, you may be able to get compensation and free medical care. Contact Twilight Health to learn more about your potential benefits.
The Facility and Scope of Work
The Nevada Test Site is in Nye County, Nevada, just 65 miles from the city of Las Vegas. It was established in 1951 as an area for the testing of nuclear weapons. The site spans over 1,300 square miles and includes over a thousand buildings, hundreds of miles of paved and unpaved roads, several airstrips and heliports. Around 100 nuclear tests were conducted above the ground, while over 900 were conducted under the ground. Estimates put the number of employees at the Nevada Test Site at around 125,000 throughout the Cold War.
When planning for testing at the site, the government considered the risks of fallout in the surrounding areas minimal. They considered a 125-mile radius large enough to protect those living around the test site. The fact that Las Vegas was within the 125-mile radius was not a concern, the government thought that it would be possible to predict weather patterns well enough to schedule tests so that fallout would not blow across the city. In reality it appears that fallout reached much of the United States at one time or another.
Compensation for Workers
The EEOICPA, or Energy Employees Occupational Illness Compensation Program Act, allows workers at the Nevada Test Site who contracted specific illnesses due to their employment to get benefits. RECA, or the Radiation Exposure Compensation Act, also offers benefits in the form of a lump sum to those who contracted cancer or other illnesses from being downwind of the Nevada Test Site.
Depending on your circumstances, you may be able to receive EEOICPA benefits, RECA benefits, or both. Twilight Health specializes in serving the health care needs of those affected by the Nevada Test Site. We can help you find out if your qualify for benefits. We can also connect you with the highest quality health care for treating your illnesses. Contact us for help concerning your benefits.
How Workers Can Qualify for Benefits
The easiest way to find out if you qualify for benefits is to contact us at Twilight Health. Please get in touch and get the benefits you deserve for your hard work and sacrifice.