Take Care of Your Loved Ones
When a loved one is struggling with a serious illness, it is only reasonable to want to take care of him or her the best way you can. At Twilight Health, we understand how you feel.
We want you to know that many EEOICPA and RECA beneficiaries are able to receive in-home care, including training and hourly compensation for family members to become personal caregivers.
Your loved one’s EEOICPA benefits will pay for the Twilight Health Family Caregiver Program—which includes training for the person you want to be a caregiver. The family member can also receive an hourly wage through the benefits program.
Please contact us at Twilight Health to learn more about the Family Caregiver Program.
Program Benefits
The benefits of the Family Caregiver Program are numerous. We offer free and simple home health aide training. The training is easy to learn, and it is comprehensive enough to ensure that the caregiver has the skills he or she needs to take excellent care of the person who is ill.
A registered nurse oversees the training process and provides assistance to the trainee, so there is a gentle learning curve and there is always someone there to help when needed.
Who better than friends & family to provide care to your loved one.
1. Who is considered family?
Whoever you want! You can choose a family member, a friend or really anyone that is willing to provide in-home care. We can help train anyone to learn the basic skills required to be a certified family caregiver.
2. How are family caregivers compensated?
Caregivers are paid an hourly wage for time spent attending to the sick loved one.
3. How many hours will I work?
The worker’s physician is the one who determines the hours needed to provide care based on the health condition of the patient. The physician can approve anywhere from a few hours of care per week to 24/7 care.
4. Do I need training or a license?
Basic home health aide training is required to become a family caregiver. Fortunately, Twilight offers free and simple training for each family member who will be providing care. Our skilled nurses will also always be available and perform regular checkups to make sure everything is going well.
5. What if I prefer someone else to provide care?
Even the most dedicated caregiver needs a break from time to time. Twilight specializes in providing highly trained and compassionate home care nurses and health aides. So whenever you need someone to step in, we are only a phone call away.
6. What is a nurse case manager?
Every family will have a dedicated nurse case manager to help coordinate care, provide a care plan and answer any questions family may have. You can call your nurse case manager whenever you need assistance.
Learn More About The Family Caregiver Program
Please contact us today to learn more!